Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Some of my fall orchids started to bloom.

First, here are the baby toes in bloom (not an orchid). They're a succulent, and that dark green triangle on the top of each leaf is a little window to let light inside the leaf so that the plant can photosynthesize inside each leaf.

This is a Cattleya hybrid. It's actually Cattleya, Laelia, and Brassavola hybrid! This is the Hawaiian hybrid BLC Toshie Aoki. It reaks of Easter lilies. I love the lip coloration, though.

Here is Zygonisia Cynosure 'Blue Birds'. It's a hybrid between Aganisia cyanea and  Zygopetalum Skippy Ku. The flower a delicate violet color. I grow this in semi-hydro, which the plant seems to really enjoy, because it's always the right amount of wet.

This is the first Bulbophyllum that I've been able to bloom on my own. I am very proud of this! This is a mini: Bulbophyllum cernuum. It is absolutely adorable.

Here's the Bulbo with a penny:


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