Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Most people buy plants because at some point, people expect the plants to flower. I currently have thirteen plants in bloom: four orchids, three African Violets, two carnivores, a Cape Primrose, a lemon, and my two ever bloomers. (I'll post pictures once the storm's past.)

There are some houseplants that are always in bloom. I have two of them. I have a pink Crown of Thorns and a red Anthurium. They're both noids - as in no identification tag. I've had both for a long time, and they've been in bloom the whole time. The Crown of Thorns has been in my place for two years. It has twenty pink flowers almost constantly. Each flower is double.

The Anthurium currently has five flowers and has been in bloom for three years. It's putting out pups left and right and center.

Both plants like a lot of sun and a lot of water.

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