Monday, May 5, 2014

Spring Orchids and AVs

I apologize for the lack of updates. Life has been a bit difficult lately. However, I have some flowers in bloom, and those make me happy.

This plant was given to me a year and a half ago in bloom when my grandfather died. I grow it in his honor. It's a Phal hybrid.

Other blooming orchids are species in the Pleurothallis subtribe.

Here we have Stelis viridipurpurea, which, I assume, has to do with the color of the flowers.

The very tiny Pleurothallis alata.

The not-as-tiny Stelis morganii.

The adorable Platystele reflexa.

And the different Pleurothallis corniculata. (I like orange flowers.)

And of course, some AVs. I have more in bud. It took me long enough to realize that in order to get them to bloom, I needed to let them dry out, droopy leaves and everything.