Sunday, March 2, 2014

Winter Blooms

 It's always nice to have flowers blooming in the middle of winter, especially with the winter we've been having.

Here's Passiflora "Betty Meyer." I was not successful in pollinating this plant.

Next is a little Abutilon noid. It's not exactly a high brow plant, but it's a cute little mallow. 

Next is a carnivore: butterwort. 

Next is the mini orchid Dryadella edwallii.

And lastly, we have the Phals. Winter is the natural blooming season for Phals, despite what you see in the grocery store.

First, a Phal noid.

And lastly, Phal. schilleriana. Last year this plant had nearly two dozen blooms. Now it has one. It appears to be upset by moving from it's happy place.

This Phal is mounted, so it's having a bath in the sink.